Congratulations MASD Teacher Jestine Myers
Congratulations MASD Teacher Jestine Myers
On Tuesday, October 17, 2023 MASD Teacher Mrs Jestine Myers was honored as one of the few PAEMST finalists and award recipients at the Pennsylvania State Capitol Building.
PAEMST celebrates excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and on Tuesday, one of very own Millville Area teachers: Mrs. Meyers, Secondary Engineering Teacher/ Gifted Coordinator was honored as one of the three 2023 PAEMST finalists for the presidential award selected from public school districts across the commonwealth. If she is selected, she will not only receive a tremendous distinction, but also a $10,000 award.
Please help us in congratulating Mrs. Myers for this prestigious honor!
Congratulations MASD Teacher Jestine Myers
Congratulations MASD Teacher Jestine Myers