All children develop at their pace. Listed below are some general activities that most children should be able to do or can practice doing to prepare for Kindergarten.
Language Skills
Speak in complete sentences and be understood by others most of the time
Use words to express needs and wants
Understand two-step directions
Make comparisons and describe relationships between objects like big/little, under/over, and first/last
Reading Readiness Skills
Enjoy listening to stories
Know how to find the first page of a book and which way to flip the pages
Recognize familiar logos and signs, like stop signs
Recite the alphabet and identify most of the letters
Recognize and try to write their own name
Recognize when two words rhyme (like cat and bat)
Start to connect letter sounds to letters (like the sound of the first letter in their name)
Draw a picture to help express an idea
Math Skills
Count from 1 to 10 without skipping numbers
Match a number to a group of five or fewer items (“I see three cats”)
Recognize and name basic shapes (square, circle, triangle, rectangle)
Understand more than and less than
Arrange three objects in the right order (like from smallest to biggest)
Name or point to the colors in a box of eight crayons
Self-Care Skills
Use the bathroom and wash up on their own
Get dressed on their own (but may still need help with buttons, zippers, and shoelaces)
Know and can say their first and last name and age
Social and Emotional Skills
Separate from a parent or caregiver without getting overly upset
Interact with other kids
Pay attention for at least five minutes to a task an adult is leading, like listening to directions for an activity or discussing the day’s weather during circle time
Fine Motor Skills
Use a pencil or crayon with some control
Use scissors
Copy basic shapes
Make distinct marks that look like letters and write some actual letters, especially the ones in their name
Put together a simple puzzle
Gross Motor Skills
Here are some read aloud stories to share with your child about Kindergarten:
"Look Out Kindergaten, Here I Come!"
"Kindergarten Rocks!"