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Guidance Department

Contact Us

Tarah Kishbach

Titles: Elementary Guidance Counselor
Phone Numbers:
School: ext. 1003

Amber Uranko

Titles: High School Guidance Counselor
Phone Numbers:
School: ext. 2307

Jennifer Mosier

Titles: HS Guidance Secretary
Phone Numbers:
School: ext. 2306

Welcome to the MASD Guidance Department!

We strive to provide comprehensive school counseling services to all Millville students and their families. Feel free to contact your counselor with any questions or concerns about (but not limited to) the following:

  • Social/Emotional Concerns
  • Course Selection/Scheduling
  • College Planning/ACT/SAT testing
  • Career Planning/Career Tech options
Students tie-dye t-shirts at picnic table

Important Note:

Please do not contact the guidance department in case of an emergency needing immediate assistance, instead reach out to the Columbia Country Crisis Hotline 1-800-222-9016. 

Bullying Prevention Toolkit

Upcoming Events